MediaWiki:Common.css: differenze tra le versioni

Da Mario Wiki, l'enciclopedia italiana.
mNessun oggetto della modifica
mNessun oggetto della modifica
Riga 540: Riga 540:
#wikiEditor-section-main>div>span>a>.oo-ui-icon-quotes {
#wikiEditor-section-main>div>span>a>.oo-ui-icon-quotes {
border-radius: 4px;
     animation: bordoanimato 3s infinite;
     animation: bordoanimato 3s infinite;

Versione delle 01:28, 17 giu 2019

.mobileonly {display:none;}

/* Gli stili CSS inseriti qui si applicano a tutte le skin */

/* Infobox arrotondati */
.infobox-arrotondamenti {border-radius:11px;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr:first-child td {border-radius:7px 7px 0 0;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr:nth-child(2) td {border-radius:0 0 7px 7px;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr:nth-child(3) td:first-child {border-top-left-radius:7px;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr:nth-child(3) td:last-child {border-top-right-radius:7px;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr:last-child td:first-child {border-bottom-left-radius:7px;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr:last-child td:last-child {border-bottom-right-radius:7px;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr>td {padding:4px;}
.infobox-arrotondamenti tr:nth-child(2) .image>img {border-radius:7px;}
/*.infobox-arrotondamenti tbody {border-radius:0 0 18px 18px; margin:-3px; overflow:hidden; display:inline-table;}
/* Infobox arrotondati vecchi - principale */
.round-infobox {border-radius:6px!important; border-collapse:separate;}

/* Infobox arrotondati vecchi - bordi */
.round-infobox td {border-bottom:1px solid;}
.round-infobox td:last-child {border-right:1px solid;}
.round-infobox td:first-child {border-left:1px solid;}

/* Infobox arrotondati vecchi - forme */
.round-infobox tr:first-child td:first-child {border-top-left-radius:6px!important; border-top:1px solid;}
.round-infobox tr:first-child td:last-child {border-top-right-radius:6px!important; border-top:1px solid;}
.round-infobox tr:last-child td:last-child {border-bottom-right-radius:6px!important;}
.round-infobox tr:last-child td:first-child {border-bottom-left-radius:6px!important;}

/*** Colore Utenti ***/

/* Burocrati */ /* Oro */
.mw-userlink[title="Utente:Duraner Hawkeye"], 
#c-burocrate a{
	color: #C89400 !important;
/* Amministratori */ /* Viola */
.mw-userlink[title="Utente:Shadow Mr.L"], 
#c-amministratore a{
	color: #8529bd !important;
/* Patrollers */ /* Verde */
#c-patroller a{
	color: #3AC100 !important;

/* Utenti online */
.mw-recentchanges-toplinks ul {margin:5px 0;}
.mw-recentchanges-toplinks li {display:inline-block;}

/* Pattern del menù laterale */
.pattern {background:#0C55A0 url(skins/MarioWiki2018/pattern-blu.png);}

/* Titoli con la sottolineatura */
h1 .explain[title], h2 .explain[title], h3 .explain[title], h4 .explain[title], h5 .explain[title], h6 .explain[title]{
    border-bottom: 2px dotted;
    text-decoration: none;

/*** Box della pagina principale ***/

.box-heading {width:99.5%; width:calc(100% - 7px); display:table; border:0; background:#0C55A0 url(; border-spacing:2px; border-radius:4px; margin:-7px 3px 10px 3px;}
.box-border {display:table; border-radius:4px; border:2px solid; margin:3px; width:49%; float:left; width:calc(50% - 6px);}
.box-content {display:inline-block; border-radius:0 0 4px 4px; overflow:auto; padding:5px; height:160px; background:#fff; width:98.5%; width:calc(100% - 10px);}
.box-content .floatleft {margin:0 .5em 0 0;}
.box-content ul {margin-top:1px; line-height:25px !important;}
.box-title {text-align:left; font-size:100%; color:#fff; font-weight:bold; padding:0.2em 0.4em; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);}
.box-navigazione {display:inline-block; margin:auto -3px auto 3px; text-align:left; line-height:40px; font-size:85%; white-space:nowrap;}
.box-navigazione img {margin-right:3px;}
.box-navigazione-t {background:#0C55A0 url(; padding:2px 6px; color:#fff; border-radius:4px;}
.box-full {width:99%; width:calc(100% - 7px);}
.box-line {height:2px; width:500px; background:#0c55a0; margin:auto; position:relative; top:11px;}
.mw-content-ltr ul, .mw-content-rtl .mw-content-ltr ul {margin: 2px 0 0 18px}
.mw-content-ltr .mw-editsection, .mw-content-rtl .mw-content-ltr .mw-editsection {font-size:14px;}
.tabbernav {margin: 0 !important}

li {margin-bottom: 1px;}

@media only screen and (max-width:1290px) {
.box-border,.box-full,.box-heading {width:100%;}
.box-line {width:270px;}

@media only screen and (min-width:938px) {
.mw-special-link  {float:right; font-size:90%; position: relative; top: -66px; right:170px}

@media only screen and (max-width:937px) {
.mw-special-link {font-size: 90%;}

@media only screen and (max-width:500px) {
.box-line {width:64px;}

/* Disabilito in maniera "soft" funzioni di UploadWizard */
#mwe-upwiz-stepdiv-deeds .mwe-more-options, .mwe-upwiz-deed-form-internal .oo-ui-fieldLayout-help, #mwe-upwiz-upload-ctrl-flickr-container, .mwe-upwiz-desc-lang-select, .mwe-upwiz-details-descriptions-add, .mwe-more-details {visibility:hidden!important;overflow:hidden!important;height:0!important;width:0!important;min-width:0!important;min-height:0!important;padding:0!important;margin:0!important;position:absolute!important;bottom:0!important;right:0!important;}

/* Altro di UploadWizard */
.mwe-upwiz-add-files-0 {margin:1em 0 2em 0;}
.oo-ui-windowManager {z-index:9999; position:relative;}
.mwe-upwiz-thirdparty-fields .oo-ui-textInputWidget textarea {padding:10px 5px 5px 5px; line-height:6px; white-space:nowrap; overflow:hidden;}
#mwe-upwiz-stepdiv-file .mwe-upwiz-button-previous {display:none!important;}
.mwe-upwiz-singleLanguageInputWidget .mwe-upwiz-singleLanguageInputWidget-language {visibility:hidden; width:0; height:0; position:absolute;}
.arrowSteps li div {padding: 14px 0;}, {padding-left:20px!important;}

/* Gallerie con slideshow */
.mw-gallery-slideshow, .mw-gallery-slideshow-buttons .oo-ui-buttonElement {margin:0!important;} .mw-gallery-slideshow-buttons {padding:0!important; position:relative; top:-2px;} {margin:0!important;} div.gallerytext {padding:0!important;} {
    text-align: center;
    margin: 2px auto 0;
    padding-bottom: 0;
.responsive {display:inline-block; width:auto;}

@media screen and (max-width:360px){
	.responsive {display:table; width:100%}

/* Template di Navigazione */ 

/* --------------------------- Giochi principali --------------------------- */

/* Mario */
.navtemplate.mario tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #fee4c5;
.navtemplate.mario tr td {
	background-color: #fff5ee;

/* Yoshi */
.navtemplate.yoshi tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #dfd;
.navtemplate.yoshi tr td {
	background-color: #efe;

/* Wario */
.navtemplate.wario tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #F8DFF8;
.navtemplate.wario tr td {
	background-color: #F7C0F7;

/* Donkey Kong */ tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #F5DEB3;
} tr td {
	background-color: #FFF8DC;

/* --------------------------- Giochi Secondari --------------------------- */

/* Super Mario Land */
.navtemplate.mario-sml tr:first-child th, .navtemplate.mario-sml tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
.navtemplate.mario-sml tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #fee4c5;
.navtemplate.mario-sml tr td {
	background-color: #fff5ee;

/* Luigi's Mansion */
.navtemplate.lm tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #DDFFCC;
.navtemplate.lm tr td {
	background-color: #BBFF99;

 /* Super Princess Peach */
.navtemplate.spp tr:first-child th, .navtemplate.spp tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
.navtemplate.spp tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #FFD8EF;
.navtemplate.spp tr td {
	background-color: #FFF2F9;

/* --------------------------- RPG --------------------------- */

/* Super Mario RPG */
.navtemplate.rpg tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #D0EEFE;
.navtemplate.rpg tr td {
	background-color: #F0F8FF;

/* Paper Mario */
.navtemplate.rpg-pm tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #CFEEFF;
.navtemplate.rpg-pm tr td {
	background-color: aliceblue;

/* Mario & Luigi */
.navtemplate.rpg-ml tr:first-child th, .navtemplate.rpg-ml tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
.navtemplate.rpg-ml tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #DDF3FF;
.navtemplate.rpg-ml tr td {
	background-color: A5E2FF;

/* --------------------------- Spinoff --------------------------- */
.navtemplate.spinoff tr:first-child th, .navtemplate.spinoff tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
.navtemplate.spinoff tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #fffccb;
.navtemplate.spinoff tr td {
	background-color: #fdffe3;

/* Sport - Tennis */ tr:first-child th, tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
} tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #FFF3E8;
} tr td {
	background-color: #FFE3CC;

/* Sport - generico */ tr:first-child th, tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
} tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #fbffe6;
} tr td {
	background-color: #f4ffbb;

/* --------------------------- Crossover --------------------------- */
.navtemplate.crossover tr:first-child th, .navtemplate.crossover tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
.navtemplate.crossover tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #efe;
.navtemplate.crossover tr td {
	background-color: #dfd;

/* --------------------------- Vario --------------------------- */

/* Media vari */ tr:first-child th, tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
} tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #FFEAAA;
} tr td {
	background-color: #FFFFC0;

/* Gallerie e altro */
.navtemplate.other tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	      background-color: lavender;
.navtemplate.other tr td {
	      background-color: ghostwhite;

/* Console */
.navtemplate.console tr:first-child th, .navtemplate.console tr:first-child th a {
	color: black !important;
.navtemplate.console tr:nth-child(2n) td {
	background-color: #F5F5F5;
.navtemplate.console tr td {
	background-color: #ededed;

/* Margine tabelle */
.tablemargin tr td {
	padding: 0.2em 0.4em;

.searchmatch {
    font-weight: bold;

================================== */

.flexbox {
  display: -webkit-box;
  display: -moz-box;
  display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
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.flexbox-cell {
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  border-width: 0 1px 1px 0;
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  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
.flexbox-cell .reference {
  position: relative;
  top: -5px;
.flexbox-head {
  background: #eaecf0;
  font-weight: bold;

================================== */

.flexbox-2col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 50%;
.flexbox-3col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 33.33%;
.flexbox-4col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 25%;
.flexbox-5col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 20%;
.flexbox-6col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 16.6%;
.flexbox-7col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 14.2%;
.flexbox-8col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 12.5%;
.flexbox-9col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 11.1%;
.flexbox-10col > .flexbox-cell {
  width: 10%;

@media all and (max-width: 1000px) {
  .flexbox .flexbox-cell:first-child {
  .flexbox-2col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(2n+1), 
  .flexbox-3col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(3n+1), 
  .flexbox-4col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(4n+1), 
  .flexbox-5col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(5n+1), 
  .flexbox-6col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(6n+1),
  .flexbox-7col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(7n+1),
  .flexbox-8col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(8n+1),
  .flexbox-9col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(9n+1),
  .flexbox-10col .flexbox-cell:nth-child(10n+1){
    width: 100% !important;
    background: #eaecf0; 
  .flexbox-5col > .flexbox-cell {
    width: 25%;
  .flexbox-6col > .flexbox-cell {
    width: 33.33%;
  .flexbox-7col > .flexbox-cell {
    width: 33.33%;
  .flexbox-8col > .flexbox-cell {
    width: 25%;
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/* Tasti EditTools */

#editpage-copywarn p {
    background: #dfdfdf;
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,#dfdfe2 1%,#e6e6e9 20%);
    border-radius: 3px;
    border: 1px solid #bbc;
    padding: 3px 10px;
    color: #333;
    line-height: 21px;
#mw-edittools-charinsert {
	background-color: #eaecf0;
    border: 1px solid #c8ccd1;
    padding: 3px 10px;
    color: #333;
    line-height: 21px;
.mw-edittools-head {
	display: block;
    background: #d2d4de;
    color: #113;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 10px 0;
    padding: 1px 0 0 0;
    border-radius: 5px;
#editpage-copywarn #mw-edittools-charinsert {
.editOptions {
.mw-edittools-section {
    margin: 0;
.mw-edittools-section a, #mw-edittools-charinsert .mw-collapsible-toggle {
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgb(246,246,246) 1%,rgb(222,222,222) 100%);
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    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgb(246,246,246) 1%,rgb(222,222,222) 100%);
    border: #bbb 1px solid;
    border-radius: 4px;
    text-align: center;
    color: #333;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding: 0 5px;
    margin: 1px 0;
    line-height: 2em;
    text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
    -webkit-transition: border-color 100ms;
    -moz-transition: border-color 100ms;
    transition: border-color 100ms;
.mw-edittools-section a:hover, #mw-edittools-charinsert .mw-collapsible-toggle:hover {
    border-color: #aaa;
#mw-edittools-charinsert .mw-collapsible-toggle {
	float: none;
	padding: 5px;
#mw-edittools-charinsert .mw-collapsible-toggle a {
	color: #444;
#mw-edittools-charinsert .mw-collapsible-toggle-default:before, #mw-edittools-charinsert .mw-collapsible-toggle-default:after {
	display: none;

/* Editor visuale TinyMCE */

#ca-tinymceedit a:after {
    content: ' visuale';
    text-transform: lowercase;
#ca-edit a:after {
    content: ' wikitesto';
    text-transform: lowercase;
.action-tinymceedit .mw-editTools {
	display: none !important;
.action-tinymceedit #editform:before {
    content: 'Caricamento in corso... \A (Il caricamento può durare a lungo nelle pagine molto grandi - se richiede troppo tempo considera di usare l\'editor wikitesto)';
    white-space: pre-wrap;
    position: absolute;
    top: 20%;
    width: 100%;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 20px;
.action-tinymceedit #wpTextbox1 {
    visibility: hidden;

/* Tasto link corsivo */
#wikiEditor-section-main>.group-insert span:nth-child(2) .oo-ui-icon-link {
    transform: rotate(-50deg);

/* Sfondo animato */

@keyframes bordoanimato {
	0% {
	    border: 1px dashed transparent;
	50% {
	    border: 1px dashed #494a4b;
	100% {
	    border: 1px dashed transparent;
#wikiEditor-section-main>div>span>a>.oo-ui-icon-quotes {
	border-radius: 4px;
    animation: bordoanimato 3s infinite;