Template:Li: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 1 173: Riga 1 173:
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--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
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--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Goomba. Los Goomba son criaturas de "poca monta". Yo incluso diría que son de pequeñísima monta. Eh, espera! ¡Yo soy un Goomba! PC Máximos: 2 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 0 Puedes saltar encima de ellos o darles un golpe con el Martillo. Son de la vieja escuela. ¡Existen desde que apareció "Super Mario Bros."!</span><!--

-->|This is a Spiked Goomba. Spiked Goombas are Goombas with spikes on their heads. Max HP: 2, Attack Power: 2, Defense Power: 0 Whatever you do, don't jump on their spikes or you'll get hurt or even paralyzed!=<!--
-->|This is a Spiked Goomba. Spiked Goombas are Goombas with spikes on their heads. Max HP: 2, Attack Power: 2, Defense Power: 0 Whatever you do, don't jump on their spikes or you'll get hurt or even paralyzed!=<!--
Riga 1 180: Riga 1 180:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
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--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
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--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Goompincho. Los Goompinchos son Goombas con pinchos en la cabeza. PC Máximos: 2 Poder de ataque: 2 Poder de defensa: 0 ¡Ni se te ocurra saltar sobre sus pinchos! ¡Te harán daño o incluso te dejarán paralizado!</span><!--

-->|This is a Paragoomba. Obviously, Paragoombas are Goombas with wings. Max Hp: 2, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 You can't hit 'em with the Hammer while they're airborne. If you damage 'em, they'll fall to the ground and become ordinary Goombas.=<!--
-->|This is a Paragoomba. Obviously, Paragoombas are Goombas with wings. Max Hp: 2, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 You can't hit 'em with the Hammer while they're airborne. If you damage 'em, they'll fall to the ground and become ordinary Goombas.=<!--
Riga 1 187: Riga 1 187:
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--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Paragoomba. Obviamente, los Paragoomba son Goomba con alas. PC Máximos: 2 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 0 No puedes darles un golpe con el Martillo cuando están volando por el aire. Si les haces daño, se caerán al suelo y se convertirán en Goomba normales.</span><!--

-->|This is Red Goomba. He's the older of the two notorious Goomba Bros. Max HP: 7, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 The Goomba King ordered him to try to stop you. You can take this guy, no prob. He has just a little more HP than an ordinary Goomba.=<!--
-->|This is Red Goomba. He's the older of the two notorious Goomba Bros. Max HP: 7, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 The Goomba King ordered him to try to stop you. You can take this guy, no prob. He has just a little more HP than an ordinary Goomba.=<!--
Riga 1 194: Riga 1 194:
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--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
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--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Goomba Rojo. Es el mayor de los famosos Hermanos Goomba. PC Máximos: 7 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 0 El Rey Goomba le ordenó que te detuviera. Es fácil derrotar a este tipo. Sólo tiene unos cuantos PC más que un Goomba normal.</span><!--

-->|This is Blue Goomba. He's the younger of the two notorious Goomba Bros. Max HP: 6, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 As you heard in his little speech, he's one of the Goomba King's men. He doesn't look that healthy. He's weaker than his brother.=<!--
-->|This is Blue Goomba. He's the younger of the two notorious Goomba Bros. Max HP: 6, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 As you heard in his little speech, he's one of the Goomba King's men. He doesn't look that healthy. He's weaker than his brother.=<!--

Versione delle 23:08, 16 ago 2019

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