Template:Li: differenze tra le versioni

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(Un altro po' di spagnolo.)
Riga 1 201: Riga 1 201:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Goomba Azul. Es el pequeño de los famosos Hermanos Goomba. PC Máximos: 6 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 0 Como le has oído decir, es uno de los hombres del Rey Goomba. No parece muy fuerte. Es más débil que su hermano.</span><!--

-->|This is the Goomba King. He's really big. I mean, look at him! He looks really powerful. Max HP: 10, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 He's the boss of Red Goomba and Blue Goomba. Who cares if he's strong? You're much stronger. Gee, I wonder what he ate to become so big? I'd like to be a bit bigger, too.=<!--
-->|This is the Goomba King. He's really big. I mean, look at him! He looks really powerful. Max HP: 10, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 He's the boss of Red Goomba and Blue Goomba. Who cares if he's strong? You're much stronger. Gee, I wonder what he ate to become so big? I'd like to be a bit bigger, too.=<!--
Riga 1 208: Riga 1 208:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es el Rey Goomba. Es enorme. ¡Fíjate en él! Parece muy fuerte. PC Máximos: 10 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 0 Es el jefe de Goomba Rojo y Goomba Azul. ¿Qué importa si es fuerte? Tú eres más fuerte. ¿Qué comerá para ser tan grande? A mí también me gustaría ser un poco más grande.

-->|This is a Goomnut Tree. Spiky Goomnuts will fall down if you hit this tree. They'll definitely hurt if they hit us, but it may be worth it to use them against the enemy.=<!--
-->|This is a Goomnut Tree. Spiky Goomnuts will fall down if you hit this tree. They'll definitely hurt if they hit us, but it may be worth it to use them against the enemy.=<!--
Riga 1 215: Riga 1 216:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Árbol Goom. Si lo golpeas, de sus ramas caerán Nueces Goomba con pinchos. Si nos dan, nos harán daño, pero vale la pena usarlas como arma contra el enemigo.</span><!--

-->|This is a Koopa Troopa. Everybody knows Koopa Troopas. They're Bowser's followers. Max HP: 4, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 Their shells are hard. If you can flip 'em over, their defense power will fall to 0 and it will become much easier for you to defeat 'em. You can flip 'em with a POW Block or a Jump attack.=<!--
-->|This is a Koopa Troopa. Everybody knows Koopa Troopas. They're Bowser's followers. Max HP: 4, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 Their shells are hard. If you can flip 'em over, their defense power will fall to 0 and it will become much easier for you to defeat 'em. You can flip 'em with a POW Block or a Jump attack.=<!--
Riga 1 222: Riga 1 223:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Koopa Troopa. Todo el mundo conoce a los Koopa Troopa. Son secuaces de Bowser. PC Máximos: 4 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 1 Sus conchas son duras. Si les das la vuelta, perderán todo su poder de defensa y te resultará más fácil derrotarles. Para darles la vuelta, usa un Bloque POW o un Salto.</span><!--

-->|This is a Paratroopa. No surprise here--Paratroopas are Koopa Troopas with wings. Max HP: 4, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 When you jump on 'em or use a POW Block, their wings fall off and they become normal Koopa Troopas. It's easy to beat 'em once they're normal Koopa Troopas. Give 'em another Jump attack! They think they're pretty cool because they wear sunglasses, but they're not that tough.=<!--
-->|This is a Paratroopa. No surprise here--Paratroopas are Koopa Troopas with wings. Max HP: 4, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 When you jump on 'em or use a POW Block, their wings fall off and they become normal Koopa Troopas. It's easy to beat 'em once they're normal Koopa Troopas. Give 'em another Jump attack! They think they're pretty cool because they wear sunglasses, but they're not that tough.=<!--
Riga 1 229: Riga 1 230:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Fuzzy. ¿Por qué los Fuzzy no dejan de saltar? ¡Esas criaturas tienen que tranquilizarse! PC Máximos: 3 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 0 El problema de los Fuzzy es que son muy rápidos. Es difícil saber cuándo van a atacar. ¡Ten cuidado si se agarran a ti! Absorberán tus PC.</span><!--

-->|This is a Fuzzy. Why do Fuzzies always jump up and down? They need to chill out! Max HP: 3, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 The problem with Fuzzies is their quickness. It's really tough to time their attacks. If they latch on to you, watch out!=<!--
-->|This is a Fuzzy. Why do Fuzzies always jump up and down? They need to chill out! Max HP: 3, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 The problem with Fuzzies is their quickness. It's really tough to time their attacks. If they latch on to you, watch out!=<!--
Riga 1 236: Riga 1 237:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Paratroopa. Los Paratroopa son Koopa Troopa con alas. PC Máximos: 4 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 1 Si saltas sobre ellos o usas un Bloque POW, se les caerán las alas y se convertirán en Koopa Troopa normales. Cuando son Koopa Troopa normales, es fácil vencerles. ¡Usa otro ataque Salto! Creen que son geniales porque llevan gafas de sol, pero no son tan fuertes.</span><!--

-->|This is a Bob-omb. Bob-ombs are pretty temperamental, and they get steaming mad when you attack 'em. Max HP: 3, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 You'd better not jump on 'em when they're angry or they'll blow up in your face. In fact, stay away entirely. Attack 'em from a distance with items like Hammers. Or you could send in other things, like shells. If they attack when angry, they'll charge in and explode. So you'd better take care of them before they blow!=<!--
-->|This is a Bob-omb. Bob-ombs are pretty temperamental, and they get steaming mad when you attack 'em. Max HP: 3, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 0 You'd better not jump on 'em when they're angry or they'll blow up in your face. In fact, stay away entirely. Attack 'em from a distance with items like Hammers. Or you could send in other things, like shells. If they attack when angry, they'll charge in and explode. So you'd better take care of them before they blow!=<!--
Riga 1 243: Riga 1 244:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Bob-omb. Los Bob-omb son muy temperamentales. Y se enfadan mucho cuando los atacas. PC Máximos: 3 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 0 Procura no saltar encima de ellos cuando están enfadados o te explotarán en la cara. De hecho, aléjate de ellos. Atácales desde lejos con objetos como un Martillo. O arrójales algo como, por ejemplo, conchas. Si te atacan cuando están enfadados, explotarán. ¡Procura deshacerte de ellos antes de que exploten!</span><!--

-->|This is a Bullet Bill, a kamikaze attacker. If you don't beat Bullet Bills quickly, they'll slam into you and explode. Max HP: 2, Attack Power: 2, Defense Power: 0 I'm serious, Mario. These guys will really make us pay if they manage to hit us! We have to beat 'em before they get the chance to strike us.=<!--
-->|This is a Bullet Bill, a kamikaze attacker. If you don't beat Bullet Bills quickly, they'll slam into you and explode. Max HP: 2, Attack Power: 2, Defense Power: 0 I'm serious, Mario. These guys will really make us pay if they manage to hit us! We have to beat 'em before they get the chance to strike us.=<!--
Riga 1 250: Riga 1 251:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Bill Bala, un enemigo kamikaze. Si no acabas con ellos rápidamente, se estrellarán contra ti y explotarán. PC Máximos: 2 Poder de ataque: 2 Poder de defensa: 0 En serio, Mario. ¡Estos tipos nos harán daño si consiguen darnos! Tenemos que acabar con ellos antes de que nos den.</span><!--

-->|This is a Bill Blaster. Bill Blasters are the cannons that shoot out Bullet Bills. Max HP: 4, Attack Power: 0, Defense Power: 1 They won't attack us directly, but they'll keep shooting out Bullet Bills as long as they can. It's efficient to attack 'em all at once, but you can also beat 'em one at a time.=<!--
-->|This is a Bill Blaster. Bill Blasters are the cannons that shoot out Bullet Bills. Max HP: 4, Attack Power: 0, Defense Power: 1 They won't attack us directly, but they'll keep shooting out Bullet Bills as long as they can. It's efficient to attack 'em all at once, but you can also beat 'em one at a time.=<!--
Riga 1 257: Riga 1 258:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Lanza Bill. Los Lanza Bill son los cañones que disparan a los Bill Bala. PC Máximos: 4 Poder de ataque: 0 Poder de defensa: 1 No atacan directamente, pero disparan todos los Bill Bala que pueden. Lo mejor es atacar a todos a la vez, pero también puedes acabar con ellos uno por uno.</span><!--

-->|Bowser...? But he looks kind of...lame. I mean, he's lame anyway, but... Max HP: 10, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 Does Bowser really look like this? I always imagined him looking, well, a lot scarier.=<!--
-->|Bowser...? But he looks kind of...lame. I mean, he's lame anyway, but... Max HP: 10, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 Does Bowser really look like this? I always imagined him looking, well, a lot scarier.=<!--
Riga 1 264: Riga 1 265:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>¿Bowser...? Pero si parece... patético. Es patético, pero... PC Máximos: 10 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 1 ¿Éste es el verdadero aspecto de Bowser? Siempre pensé que tendría un aspecto más terrible.</span><!--

-->|This is Red Ninjakoopa. He's the Koopa Bros. leader. He's pretty much just a normal Koopa Troopa, though. Max HP: 5, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 He has a little bit of defense power, but you can flip him over by jumping on him, just like a normal Koopa Troopa. Let's flip him over quick! Otherwise, the Bros. may form a tower and do their famous spinning attack!=<!--
-->|This is Red Ninjakoopa. He's the Koopa Bros. leader. He's pretty much just a normal Koopa Troopa, though. Max HP: 5, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 He has a little bit of defense power, but you can flip him over by jumping on him, just like a normal Koopa Troopa. Let's flip him over quick! Otherwise, the Bros. may form a tower and do their famous spinning attack!=<!--
Riga 1 271: Riga 1 272:
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-tedesco'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-francese'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'></span><!--
--><span class='li-spagnolo'>Es un Ninjakoopa Rojo. Es el líder de los Hermanos Koopa. Pero no es muy distinto al resto de los Koopa Troopa. PC Máximos: 5 Poder de ataque: 1 Poder de defensa: 1 Tiene poder de defensa, pero puedes darle la vuelta saltando sobre él, como a un Koopa Troopa normal. ¡Démosle la vuelta enseguida! ¡Si no, los Hermanos Koopa formarán una torre y harán su famoso ataque giratorio!</span><!--

-->|This is Black Ninjakoopa. Black is pretty fashionable... Max HP: 5, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 He has a little bit of defense power, but you can flip him over by jumping on him, just like a normal Koopa Troopa. Let's flip him over quick! Otherwise, the Bros. may form a tower and do their famous spinning attack!=<!--
-->|This is Black Ninjakoopa. Black is pretty fashionable... Max HP: 5, Attack Power: 1, Defense Power: 1 He has a little bit of defense power, but you can flip him over by jumping on him, just like a normal Koopa Troopa. Let's flip him over quick! Otherwise, the Bros. may form a tower and do their famous spinning attack!=<!--

Versione delle 01:31, 17 ago 2019

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